The Third Domain of Organizational Excellence : The People Side of Business (9781470165192)

The People Side of Business is an essential guide to understanding how people function in the workplace. Tom DeMaio and Lee Hersch have distilled their years of experience into six key psychological principles that provide a framework for leading and managing. The People Side of Business tracks the progress of a new CEO, Charlie Fisher, who takes charge of a business, encounters people problems undermining its growth, and sets the company on a more productive course as he masters each of the six principles. The Six Psychological Principles for the People Side of Business: Principle 1: The Design of the Brain Determines Human Behavior Principle 2: People Are Most Productive in an Emotionally Safe and Supportive Environment Principle 3: People Working Together Tend to Replicate Family Structures and Dynamics Principle 4: People Want an Opportunity for Growth to Achieve Mastery Principle 5: People Need Structure to Shape and Motivate Their Behavior Principle 6: Individuals Are Different from One Another

Product details

  • Paperback | 258 pages
  • 152 x 229 x 14mm | 349g
  • North Charleston SC, United States
  • English
  • 1470165198
  • 9781470165192

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